
$3,991,000 Million Maryland Cerebral Palsy Verdict Awarded to Family

In Maryland, a jury awarded the family of Ryan Dineen $3,991,000 for their cerebral palsy lawsuit. Ryan is now 9.

His family’s Maryland cerebral palsy lawsuit accuses medical staff members at Frederick Memorial Hospital of medical malpractice related to Ryan’s birth in May 2000. Named as defendants in the civil complaint were the hospital, three nurses, and three doctors. However, the jury found only two doctors, Dr. Brian Raider and Dr. Edward Chen, negligent for Ryan’s birth injury.

According to the Maryland birthing malpractice lawsuit, Suzette Dineen, an Adamstown resident, was 36 weeks pregnant with Ryan when she was admitted to the Maryland hospital for vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. She claims that after she arrived at the hospital, staff members failed to properly monitor her baby’s fetal heartbeat.

The complaint contends that even though Rader, who was the emergency room doctor, and Chen, who is an obstetrician, were told about Suzette’s condition, both men never came to see her. It wasn’t until 3 hours after she arrived at the hospital that the medical team noticed that her baby’s heart rate was too low and they performed an emergency cesarean birth.

Ryan had no heart rate and wasn’t breathing when he was born. Doctors were able to revive him but he sustained permanent brain damage and lifelong disabilities and now suffers from cerebral palsy.

The Maryland jury awarded Ryan and his family $2,941,000 for medical costs—both past and future–$300,000 for pain and suffering, and $750,000 for lost wages.

Cerebral Palsy

The resources required to care for someone with cerebral palsy can be quite costly—especially if the person has had the condition since birth. Many people with cerebral palsy need full-time professional care and assistance to help them complete daily tasks. This is one reason why it is so important that you explore your legal options for recovery if your loved one has cerebral palsy because of birthing malpractice.

Frederick jury issues multimillion-dollar award in malpractice suit, Frederick News Post, June 3, 2009
Maryland Cerebral Palsy Lawsuit Results in $4M Award, About Lawsuits, June 3, 2009
Related Web Resources:

Cerebral Palsy, A Guide for Care

Cerebral Palsy and Special Needs Children’s Organization

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