Every year in the United States, about 3 million car accidents result in injuries. According to the US Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2 million of these injuries are permanent and approximately 40,000 of them result in death. Personal injury cases based on car accident claims tend…
Maryland Accident Law Blog
Sample Of Designation Of Expert Witnesses Document Requesting Physician To Testify On Behalf Of Plaintiff Injured In Car Accident
If you are the plaintiff in a personal injury suit, you may need to ask a medical expert to testify as a witness on your behalf. This person can verify the extent of your injuries and testify for you in court. Below, we have included a sample of a document…
Family Files $5 Million Dollar Wrongful Death Suit Against Delaware-Based Air Ag Inc. For Negligent Use Of Pesticide Spray
A Maryland family recently filed a $5 million dollar wrongful death suit against Air Ag Inc. and its owner Robert J. Collins for the death of Edward Louis Brittingham in June 2003. The lawsuit claims that Brittingham died after he was exposed to Warrior, a highly toxic pesticide, when the…
Sample Of A Products Liability Complaint For Maryland Courts
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission says that defective products cause more than 29.5 million injuries and close to 22,000 deaths in the US each year. Some reasons for why a manufactured product might be defective: – design defects – defective manufacturing – inadequate testing – marketing misrepresentation – includes…
Issue of Helmet Use Returns To The Spotlight After Pittsburgh Steeler Quarterback Ben Roethslisberger Sustains Injuries In Motorcycle Accident
The recent motorcycle accident that left Pittsburgh Steeler star Ben Roethlisberger seriously injured is a classic example of what can happen when a motorcycle rider does not wear a helmet and gets into an accident. Roethlisberger, 24, had to undergo more than seven hours of surgery after his motorcycle collided…
Senate Judiciary Panel Reviews Compensation Bill That Could Remove Asbestos-Related Personal Injury Cases From Courts
The US Senate Judiciary Committee is discussing changes to the Fairness in Asbestos Injury Resolution Act. The compensation bill offers a plan that would create a $140 billion trust fund that could end up removing asbestos-related personal injury cases from the courts. The fund would be financed from the revenues…
Hagerstown, Ocean City, and Indian Head Report Recent Pedestrian Accidents
Statistics by the United States Department of Transportation and the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration say that in 2002, over 4800 pedestrians were killed and over 70,000 others were injured in vehicle-related accidents. On June 6 in Ocean City, Maryland, a female woman in her 20’s suffered head injuries after…
Maryland Police Officer Sustains Burns After Police Cruiser Is Hit By A Motorcycle
Injuries from motorcycle accidents tend to be more severe than those incurred from car accidents. Motorcycle accidents can result in debilitating injuries and even death. In Beltsville, Maryland, at approximately 11pm on Thursday, May 25, a Maryland Police Officer was taken to the hospital with second and third degree burns…
Recent Truck-Related Accidents Result In Injuries In Maryland And Washington DC
Truck accidents involving smaller vehicles or pedestrians often result in more deaths and serious injuries than other vehicle accidents. – There are over 500,000 truck accidents on US roads each year – About 5,000 deaths result from truck-related accidents – 12 % of all fatalities in the US are due…
Maryland Police Promote Safety To Prevent Boat Accidents
As the boating season begins on Maryland’s waters this year, Maryland National Resources Police (NRP) have been working hard to educate people on practicing boating safety. Over Memorial Weekend, more than 16,000 boaters were checked by the NRP who issued 504 citations and 1846 warnings. They also held a National…