
Maryland Accident Law Blog


Plaintiff’s Failure to Comply with Procedural Requirement Results in Dismissal of Lawsuit

Last month, a Georgia appellate court issued a written opinion in a personal injury case arising out of a car accident between the plaintiff and a government employee. Since the case was filed against a government entity, the plaintiff had to comply with certain additional requirements. One of the requirements was that…


Evidence of Subsequent Remedial Measures May Be Admissible in Some Cases

In personal injury trials, the judge acts as the gatekeeper to determine which evidence the jury should hear. In making these evidentiary decisions, the judge must apply the appropriate rule of evidence. While the rules of evidence present a good guideline to assist a judge in making these decisions, issues often…


Court Determines Puddle of Rainwater Did Not Constitute “Dangerous Condition” in Premises Liability Case

Earlier this month, an appellate court in Georgia issued a written opinion in a premises liability case brought by a woman who was injured when she slipped and fell after stepping in a puddle on a train platform. The appellate court ultimately affirmed the lower court’s granting of summary judgment…


The Importance of a Thorough Pre-Trial Investigation to Discover All Potentially Liable Parties

Being involved in a serious accident is a traumatic experience. Often, along with the weeks or months of physical recovery, there is a lengthy emotional recovery process as well. Many times, people may suffer from nervous episodes or may refrain from engaging in certain activities. These are understandable side effects…


The Dangers of Carbon Monoxide and What Can Be Done to Prevent Exposure

Carbon monoxide is a colorless and odorless gas that is emitted through chemical reactions that occur during the operation of certain machinery. For example, carbon monoxide is a byproduct that is emitted when running cars and trucks, gas ranges, furnaces, grills, stoves, and lanterns. Most homes and business contain at…


Wrongful Death Plaintiff’s Failure to File Certificate of Merit in Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Results in Dismissal of Case

Earlier this month, a Vermont appellate court issued a written opinion in a wrongful death by medical malpractice case, involving allegations that a doctor was negligent in prescribing multiple doses of opioid medications to a patient who later died from ingesting a lethal combination of prescription and non-prescription medication. However, the court…


Expert Testimony Fails to Establish Causation in Medical Malpractice Lawsuit

Earlier this month, an appellate court in Georgia issued a written opinion in a medical malpractice lawsuit, affirming the dismissal of the plaintiff’s claims based on the plaintiff’s failure to establish that the defendants’ allegedly negligent actions caused the plaintiff’s injuries. Specifically, the court held that since the medical experts called…


Slip-and-Fall Case Dismissed When Defendant Successfully Showed Plaintiff Had Knowledge of the Open and Obvious Hazard that Caused Her Fall

Earlier this month, an appellate court in Georgia issued a written opinion in a premises liability case that was brought by a woman who slipped and fell on a “corn hole” game board as she was talking to a sales associate in a car dealership’s showroom. The court ultimately determined…


Appellate Court Permits Plaintiff’s “Bad Faith” Claim Against Insurance Company to Proceed Toward Trial

Earlier this month, an appellate court in Oklahoma issued a written opinion in a car accident case brought by a passenger who was involved in an accident against the driver’s insurance company. Specifically, the court had to determine if the lower court was proper in granting the defendant’s motions for…


Maryland Medical Malpractice Cases Are Subject to Different Procedural Requirements

All personal injury plaintiffs must follow strict procedural rules when filing their case. However, medical malpractice cases in particular are subject to a different set of rules that, if ignored, may result in the early dismissal of an otherwise meritorious case. For example, medical malpractice cases in Maryland must be…

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