
Maryland Accident Law Blog


Listeria Fears Prompt Several Organic Food Companies To Issue Recalls

The recent listeria outbreak has been making national news over the past several weeks. According to a prominent news source, some leading organic food companies have had to issue recalls for some of their packaged foods. One organic food company had to recall almost 75,000 cases of frozen food because…


Winter Storms Paralyze the East Cost, Including Maryland, Resulting in Several Fatalities

If you have spent time over the last couple months anywhere from New England to North Carolina, you have no doubt seen the crippling effects of the most recent winter storms that came through the area. In some areas, total snow fall was being measured in feet, rather than inches.…


Pending Bill Would Eliminate Maryland’s Mandatory Helmet Law

Senate Bill 612 is pending in the Maryland Legislature and, should it pass, would act to eliminate the state’s requirement that all motorcycle riders wear helmets when riding on public roads. According to a local news source, the bill would allow certain riders with adequate health insurance coverage to choose…


Court Dismisses Accident Victim’s Case Based on Lack of Expert Witness Testimony

Earlier this month, an appellate court affirmed the dismissal of a case brought by two accident victims based on the fact that they did not raise an “issue of fact” as it pertained to proximate cause. The court determined that the plaintiffs failed to show that there was sufficient evidence…


Mom Connects Her Son’s Suicide with His Participation in Youth Football League 15 Years Earlier

Earlier this month in Wisconsin, the mother of a 25-year-old man who took his own life back in 2012 filed a lawsuit against a youth football league, alleging that the brain damage her son sustained while playing for the league led to myriad mental health conditions and ultimately to his…


Former Professional Wrestlers Sue League over Brain Damage

Several former professional wrestlers in the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) league have sued the league over allegations that the league was negligent in protecting the safety of wrestlers during televised matches. According to one national news source, the allegations stem from the league’s negligence in its policies regarding permitted wrestling…


Barroom Brawl Leads to 400k Jury Verdict in Plaintiff’s Favor

Earlier this year, the Supreme Court of Rhode Island upheld a jury’s verdict in a premises liability case that stemmed from a bar fight that left one man seriously injured. According to court documents, the fight occurred back in February 2009. Evidently, the plaintiff and another man were involved in…

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