Motorcycle accidents happen every day for various reasons, but some of the most concerning accidents occur not because of the fault of the driver or other drivers on the road. On some occasions, motorcycle crashes occur because of motorcycle defects and flaws in the design of the motorcycle. Consumers put…
Maryland Accident Law Blog
Damages in a Maryland Personal Injury Lawsuit
Accidents often occur in a moment’s notice; however, the impact they have on a victim can last a lifetime. Even seemingly minor accidents can result in an accident victim incurring tremendous hospital bills, missing days or weeks of work, and experiencing lingering pain or other physical limitations. Through a personal…
Contributory Negligence in Maryland Car Accidents
Riding a motorcycle is between 15 to 40 times more dangerous than driving a car, and each year dozens of motorcyclists are killed and thousands more are injured in Maryland car accidents. Motorcyclists should exercise extreme caution when out on the road, carefully obeying all traffic signs and laws. While…
Preventative Steps to Take as Pedestrian Accidents Increase During Summer Months
On a typical day, pedestrians share the roads with drivers and bikers and use designated traffic signals to safely get around. Pedestrians face a unique risk as they are commuting, a risk that involves vehicles that weigh on average, around 4,156 pounds. In the summer, this risk may increase due…
Recovering from a Maryland Bus Accident
Traveling by bus is often an easy, affordable, and safe way of getting around. When you choose to travel by bus—whether on your daily commute or over the weekend to see friends or family—you have a reasonable expectation of safety. In addition, the driver of the bus has an obligation…
Understanding the Difference Between Maryland Civil and Criminal Claims
Following a major accident involving criminal charges, some victims may believe that because the state will be criminally prosecuting the at-fault party, this is the same as filing a personal injury lawsuit and receiving compensation. In reality, the criminal prosecution led by local authorities and a civil personal injury lawsuit…
Recovering in a Maryland Wrongful Death Suit
Following a loved one’s unexpected passing, you may feel overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next. In fact, pursuing a lawsuit may be the furthest thing from your mind. Depending on the circumstances of the situation, however, a lawsuit may be the best course of action for you and…
“Zero Death Maryland” Reports 2022 Crash Data
The Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) operates Zero Deaths, a government website designed to provide the community with statewide crash statistics, resources, and programs to assist in roadway safety programs. The MVA explained that the website seeks to assist the Maryland Highway Safety office meets its goal of eliminating roadway…
Important Reminders After a Maryland Car Accident
Following a major car accident, especially on a busy roadway, the danger of further damage is often not out of sight simply because the initial collision has already taken place. Sometimes, subsequent accidents happen after the cars involved in the initial crash pull over to the side of the road.…
Understanding Maryland Head-On Crashes
Head-on car accidents take place when two vehicles moving in opposite directions crash directly into each other. Often, these accidents are deadly or result in significant injury and property damage. Although statistically less common than other types of vehicle accidents, they often account for a significant portion of deaths caused…