
Study Reveals that Marylanders Want Tougher Drunk Driving Measures

A study by the University of Maryland School of Public Health reports that Marylanders want tougher drunk driving laws. Per the survey conducted, 7.5% of the approximately 850 participants this year admitted to driving after having several drinks within the last month. 13% of survey participants admitted to drinking and driving when the survey was first conducted in 2003.

Our Maryland car accident law firm is concerned by any reports that anyone might have been drinking while driving. As we all know by now, driving while inebriated increases the chances that a motorist might cause a Baltimore auto crash.

Over the last seven years, no more than 37% of survey participants have ever believed that drunk drivers will likely be apprehended. Marylanders appear to blame the state courts for the lax way that they deal with drivers who drink and drive. Per the latest survey, the majority of Maryland drivers would like there to be tougher drunk driving measures, including a mandatory $1,000 fine for a first offense.

More survey participants also said they would favor mandatory ignition interlock devices, which stops drivers from starting their vehicles when they are drunk. The majority of survey participants also said that they thought vehicle impoundment was an appropriate punishment for a drunk driver who was a repeat offender. Some of the people surveyed even thought that one strike should be enough to impose this penalty.

Today, law enforcement officers are wrapping up their crackdown on Maryland drunk drivers. Local police have been taking part in a nationwide campaign, organized by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, committed to decreasing the number of impaired driving accidents and deaths through the Labor Day weekend.

Last year in Maryland, alcohol was a factor in 28% of traffic deaths, and over 24,000 drunk drivers are arrested each year.

It is interesting to note, however, that Maryland motorists are not as vehement about their convictions when it comes to using a cell phone while driving. While over 80% of those surveyed are now concerned about this form of distracted driving, the number of people who have used a cell phone while driving in the last 30 days has grown to over 60% compared to past years.

According to UM Professor Kenneth Beck, the study’s lead researcher, this appears to imply that Maryland motorists don’t think there is anything wrong with using a cell phone while driving as long as their the ones doing this—it’s just the other drivers that they are worried about.

Also, while survey participants are worried about aggressive drivers, there are still motorists who aren’t concerned when they break the speed limit.

Examples of Negligent Driving Habits that Can Lead to Maryland Injury Lawsuits if a Car Accident Happens:

• Drunk driving
• Texting while driving
• Talking on a cell phone while driving
• Speeding
• Road rage
• Driving while under the influence of drugs
Marylanders favor crackdown on drunken driving, Baltimore Sun, September 7, 2009
Maryland Law Enforcement Launches ‘Drunk Driving. Over the Limit. Under Arrest’ Crackdown on August 21, 2009, Earth Times, August 21, 2009
Related Web Resources:
Police Increase Efforts to Keep Roads Safe For Holiday …, Your 4 State, September 6, 2009

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