
Third-Party Liability after Maryland Workplace Accident

Maryland’s Workers’ Compensation Commission (MWCC) provides compensation to workers who suffer injuries on the job. The coverage only includes medical care and some wage benefits. However, the system rarely covers the extent of injuries and subsequent damages that Maryland workers often face after a workplace accident. In most cases, workers’ compensation is the sole remedy for Maryland workers who suffer injuries at work. The only exceptions include when the victim’s employer engaged in intentional or willful conduct.

While the law limits many victims, there may be additional avenues of relief. For instance, an injured worker may be able to file a lawsuit against a negligent third party that caused their accident. These claims are distinct from workers’ compensation and allow victims to go through the traditional civil court claims process. A third-party claim may be relevant in cases involving:

  • Independent contractors;
  • Off-site incidents, such as car accidents while on duty; or
  • Defective products

For instance, Maryland news reports recently described a tragic accident involving a 64-year-old worker. Emergency responders responded to a call reporting an accident involving industrial equipment. Officials are still investigating the accident, and the exact cause of death has not been disclosed to the public.

Those who have suffered injuries at work because of a defective product may file a lawsuit against the entity responsible for the dangerous product’s design, manufacturer, or distribution. The claimant must establish that they were correctly using the product when the injury occurred and its defect contributed to the injuries. These claims often stem from workplace injuries involving defective or dangerous:

  • Welding, hammering, and similar activities;
  • Rotators, conveyors, feeders and other industrial machinery; and
  • Forklifts, cranes, diggers, and transportation equipment.

What Are the Risks of Defective Products?

Defective equipment can lead to serious head and body injuries, including long-term damage to one’s eyes and face. Further, falls from defective construction equipment may cause broken bones and traumatic brain injuries. Defective electrical equipment can cause shocks, burning, and organ damage.

Product liability claims are rarely as straightforward as they may seem at first glance, and matters are only further complicated when the injury occurs at work. A skilled Maryland injury attorney can help claimants develop a strong case and present a compelling argument to the fact-finder. Injury victims should discuss their case with an attorney before the statute of limitations bars any potential remedy the plaintiff has against the responsible entity.

Have You Suffered Injuries in a Workplace Accident?

If you have suffered serious injuries because of another’s negligence, you should contact the experienced Maryland workplace accident attorneys at Lebowitz & Mzhen. The lawyers at our office have an in-depth understanding of complex tort laws that govern personal injury claims in the state. Through our experience, we have helped countless individuals recover compensation for their injuries following an accident. Our office handles Maryland accident claims involving negligent drivers, companies, and organizations who have caused a personal injury or wrongful death. Contact our office at 800-654-1949 to schedule a free and confidential consultation with an experienced Maryland accident attorney who will be happy to answer your questions.


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