Maryland has several new bicycle laws that are now in effect. Lawmakers are hoping that this will decrease the number of traffic that occur each year. According to preliminary data, Maryland State Police says that 10 people were killed in Maryland bicycle accidents in 2009. Over 650 bicyclists are injured in the state each year.

Per the new laws:
• Except for on roads that are too narrow, drivers must give cyclists three feet of clearance when passing them.
• Bicyclists do not have to ride on the shoulder of the road.

• Bicyclists can use crosswalks in areas where they are allowed to use the sidewalk.

Also, bike paths or sidewalks in areas that are currently considered a safety risk will be added or enhanced when necessary. Balanced funding for pedestrian and cycling facilities will be provided.

It is important that drivers and bicyclists remember that they share the roads with one another. A bicyclist is often at a disadvantage and at high risk of injury during a traffic crash. A bike helmet and protective clothing often are not enough to prevent a cyclist from sustaining broken bones, a head injury, a back injury, a traumatic brain injury, a spinal cord injury, or some other serious injuries. Our Baltimore injury lawyers are familiar with the toll that getting hurt in a Maryland can have on the victim and their families.

Steps that drivers can use to avoid becoming involved in a Baltimore bicycle accident:

• Obey the laws.
• Be on the look out for bicyclists while driving and when getting out of a parked car.
• Slow down when overtaking a bicyclist.

• Be extra careful when there are child bicyclists.

New Maryland bike and cycling laws, Examiner, October 4, 2010
New Bicycle Laws Take Effect Friday, October 1, Southern Maryland Online, October 1, 2010
Related Web Resources:
Bicycle Safety, Choose Safety for Life
Traffic Safety Laws, Department of Transportation: State Highway Administration

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A jury has awarded Yesenia Rivera $2.35 million for Maryland medical malpractice. Rivera, now a 28-year-old Silver Springs woman, had to have part of a leg and a portion of a foot amputated after doctors wrongly diagnosed a kidney blockage.

Rivera had first sought treatment at Shady Grove Adventist Hospital for severe stomach pain on August 1, 2006. She was diagnosed with a kidney stone and given pain medicine. Two days later she was back. This time, doctors thought she was either experiencing an ectopic pregnancy that had ruptured or a gallbladder problem. According to the Washington Post, the septic infection that she was suffering from went untreated for hours and spread through her body.

Rivera would go on to develop gangrene. Part of her right foot and part of her left leg had to be removed. She also lost her fingers, which fell off on their own because of a syndrome called “autoamputation.”

Maryland State Police have charged El Soudani El-Wahhabi, also called Saladin Taylor, with first- and second-degree murder. El-Wahhabi, who is a patient at the at the Clifton T. Perkins mental hospital, is accused of killing Susan Sachs, who was also a resident at the Jessup facility.

According to the Washington Post, Sachs’ dead body was discovered on Sunday morning by her roommate. There was string around the 45-year-old woman’s neck. State investigators later arrested El-Wahhabi, who authorities say admitted to strangling and kissing Sachs.

Sachs had been suffering from paranoid schizophrenia. She and El-Wahhabi lived in separate rooms in the same hallway in a medium-security wing of the hospital.

The Court of Appeals has upheld a state law that limits how much plaintiffs can receive for pain and suffering. They issued their decision regarding Maryland’s damages cap in the Anne Arundel County wrongful death case involving Connor Freed, the 5-year-old boy who drowned in a swimming pool at the Crofton Country Club in 2006.

A jury had awarded Connor Freed’s parents, Thomas Freed and Debbie Neagle-Freed, about $4 million against DRD Pool Service Inc., the company that provided lifeguards to the pool. However, because of Maryland’s cap on non-economic damages, the payment was reduced to about $1 million. The Freeds then filed a claim contending that the cap was unconstitutional since it does not give equal protection to all people.

In its ruling, Maryland’s highest court said that the cap’s existence has a legitimate purpose as it keeps liability insurance affordable. The court did, however, side with the Freeds regarding their claim that the original jury should have been given the opportunity to consider additional damages for their son’s conscious pain and suffering prior to his death.

A jury has awarded a 79-year-old woman a $1.1 million Baltimore medical malpractice verdict over injuries she sustained while undergoing gallbladder surgery. In her Maryland medical malpractice lawsuit, Phyllis Rode accused Dr. Chiau-Wen Hsiao of cutting her hepatic duct while taking her gallbladder out. Hsiao is a general surgeon at Franklin Square Hospital.

Rode says that because her bile duct was severed, she had to undergo more surgeries. Also, not only did she spend 10 days in intensive care, but also, she had to wear tubes to drain the ducts for 10 months.

Hsiao had argued that a severed duct is a known complication that can result from a gallbladder procedure. He argued that Rode had given her consent. However, Rhode’s Maryland malpractice lawyers claimed that consent doesn’t matter when a physician fails to provide a patient with at least standard of care.

At John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore on Thursday morning, a gunman who became distraught about his mother’s medical care shot and injured a doctor before turning the gun on his mom and himself. Paul Warren Pardus the alleged shooter, and his mother Jean did not survive their injuries.

According to police, Pardus, 50, shot orthopedic physician David Cohen in his upper abdomen and chest. Cohen, who specializes in scoliosis, scoliosis, and osteoporosis, had to undergo surgery and is expected to make a full recovery.

A little over two hours after Cohen was shot, a SWAT team determined that Pardus, who was in his mother’s hospital room, had fallen to the ground. When they entered the room, they saw that both he and his mom were dead from gunshot wounds to the head.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recently issued its 2009 Traffic Safety Facts Research Note, which includes its motor vehicle traffic crash statistics for the year. According to the NHTSA, 33,808 people were killed in auto collisions in the US, which was a 9.7% drop from the 37,423 people that died in traffic crashes in 2008. This is the lowest number of US highway deaths to occur in a year since 1950.

The drop in traffic deaths happened even as estimated vehicle miles traveled went up by 0.2% in the past two years. NHTSA also says that the lowest injury and fatality rates at 1.13 deaths per 100 million vehicle miles traveled occurred last year.

Locally, our Maryland motor vehicle crash lawyers and Washington DC car accident attorneys are happy to report that there also was a decline in the number of traffic deaths for the year. There were 549 Maryland traffic fatalities last year—down from the 591 motor vehicle deaths in 2008 and 29 Washington DC auto crash deaths in 2009—a drop from the 34 Washington DC motor vehicle traffic deaths the year before.

The nation also saw a reverse in the yearly increase in motorcyclist deaths, which has been on the rise for 11 years. In 2009, there were 4.462 US motorcyclist fatalities. Compare that to 2008 when there were 5,312 motorcyclist deaths.

More 2009 US Traffic Facts:
• 23,382 passenger vehicle deaths
• 503 large truck crash fatalities
• 4,092 pedestrian accident deaths
• 630 pedalcyclist crash fatalities
• 2,217,000 traffic crash injuries
• 1,976,0000 passenger vehicle injuries
• 17,000 large truck injuries
• 90,000 motorcyclist injuries
• 59,000 pedestrian injuries
• 51,000 pedalcyclist injuries
• 10,839 drunk driving deaths
• 162 Maryland drunk driving deaths
• 10 Washington DC drunk driving deaths

Highlights of 2009 Motor Vehicle Crashes, Traffic Safety Facts (PDF)

2009 Data Show Major Across-the-Board Declines in all Categories
Despite a Slight Increase in Road Travel
, NHTSA, November 9, 2010
Related Web Resources:

Maryland Department of Transportation

District Department of Transportation

Maryland Car Accident Attorney Blog

Maryland Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Blog

Trucking Accident Lawyer Blog

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The Maryland Board of Physicians has ordered Dr. Steven Brigham, Dr. Nicola Riley, and George Shepard Jr. to stop practicing medicine in the state. The order comes following a botched abortion last month that left an 18-year-old with a uterine perforation.

The abortion was performed at a facility in Elkton, Maryland after the patient first went to see Brigham in New Jersey. She was reportedly given medication to induce contractions and ordered to drive 60 miles to the Maryland medical clinic.

This is not the first time that Brigham, who doesn’t even have a medical license in Maryland, has been ordered to stop practicing medicine in a state. His Pennsylvania medical license was revoked in the early 1990’s following an investigation into one of his clinics. In 1994, he was barred from practicing medicine in New York. In 1996, Florida also revoked his medical license.

As for Riley, the state physicians’ board suspended her medical license after determining that she was a “threat” to patient safety and a “danger to the public.” Shephard is accused of ordering medications for the AWS facilities in Maryland and participating in the arrangement of abortion procedures begun in one state and completed in another.

Maryland Abortion Malpractice

Botched abortion procedures can result in serious injuries or death and may be grounds for a Maryland medical malpractice case. Examples of abortion-related complications:

• Hemorrhage
• Cervical lacerations
• Uterine perforations
• Sterility
• Pelvic inflammatory disease
• Increased risk of cancer
Maryland officials order Dr. Steven Brigham to halt abortions,, September 5, 2010
Abortion doctor licensed in N.J. is ordered to stop practicing in Md. after patient is critically injured, AP/, September 4, 2010
Related Web Resources:
Medical Malpractice Basics, Nolo

Maryland Board of Physicians

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Joseph Wheeler is suing Prince George’s Hospital Center for Maryland personal injury. He is seeking over $12 million—$9.5 million in punitive damages and $3.2 million in compensatory damages. He is also seeking damages from Broadway Security and hospital guards Donovan Scott and William Reese.

The 46-year-old Inigoes, Maryland man had been admitted to the Upper Marlboro hospital for treatment of shoulder and torso injuries he sustained following a July 23 car accident. Wheeler contends that when he woke up the following day he was told by a nurse that he couldn’t eat because he had to undergo surgery.

The hospital ID bracelet he was wearing explained that he was about to have a “potentially cancerous mass” taken out of his chest. However, the bracelet had what appeared to a female name on it belonging to a person who was born 13 years before Wheeler’s birth year.

Police have identified the pedestrian killed in Thursday’s Baltimore tractor-trailer crash on Interstate 95 as Michael A. Coll, 36.The cause of the Maryland traffic crash is still under investigation. Following the deadly collision, all northbound roads were temporarily closed.

Coll’s death comes just two days after New Windsor bicyclist John Martin Jr.,51, was fatally struck in Union Bridge on Route 75 by a semi-truck that was making a right turn. According to a preliminary probe, trucker Anthony Edward Woodie failed to yield to the bicyclist when turning. He may face criminal charges.

Our Baltimore truck crash lawyers want to remind you that it is important that you not speak with the other party’s insurer without exploring your legal options first. Many trucking companies will take persuasive action to get you to settle for less than you may be owed for your injuries or a loved one’s death. It is important that you have a Maryland personal injury law firm advocating on your behalf.

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