An 18-month boy sustained serious injuries on Monday after a pit bull bit him. The dog attack happened at the home of a day care provider in Aberdeen, Maryland.
Demetrious Allen had to undergo surgery at Johns Hopkins Children’s Center to treat deep bite wounds he sustained to his head after the dog tore his scalp. The animal let go of the child after the day care provider called his name. A neighbor applied pressure to the boy’s head while the provider contacted 911.
The day care provider says that she did not see the toddler go out the back door and into the yard. She was in the bathroom when the dog attack begun. Allen, who has been released from the hospital suffered no permanent brain damage. Police say the daycare home will not face criminal charges.
The dog, a male pit bull, belongs to the son of the day care provider. The dog had been penned in a fenced in yard. The day care provider told law enforcement officers that the animal had been with children before and had never attacked anyone.
This latest attack by a pit bull continues to raise concerns about whether the breed is dangerous to humans. In Baltimore, a one-year-old’s face was mauled by the family’s pit bull. Another 7-year-old was hospitalized after being bitten by a pit bull. In Prince George’s County, pit bulls have been banned following several attacks.
Premises Liability
Property owners and managers can be held liable for personal injury if he or she allowed an unsafe condition or hazard to exist on a premise that could have been repaired or eliminated and someone is injured as a result.
In Maryland, our Aberdeen dog bite lawyers represent victims that have been attacked by dogs on other people’s properties. We also represent clients injured in premises liability cases involving inadequate security, slip and fall accidents, products liability, and falling merchandise.
Toddler Released From Hospital After Dog Attack,, August 19, 2008
Boy in day care bitten by pit bull,, August 18, 2008
Related Web Resources:
Maryland Dog Bite Law,
Premises Liability Overview, Justia