A motor vehicle collision near Naylor Mill Road in Salisbury, Maryland led to several people being sent to the hospital and traffic in the area being delayed for close to an hour.
On Monday afternoon, an SUV and another motor vehicle crashed into each other in the left lane while traveling east on the Route 50 Bypass. One of the motor vehicles had tried to merge in from the right lane.
The collision forced the SUV over the median where it then overturned.
Emergency personnel from fire departments in Hebron, Salisbury, and Delmar all rushed to the scene to take the injured persons to Peninsula Regional Medical Center.
Police have charged the female driver that tried to change lanes with improper lane change. At least one accident victim had to be pulled from the accident scene.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, a car accident takes place in the United States at least once every ten seconds. A motor vehicle-related fatality takes place in this country at least once every thirteen seconds. The majority of car accidents are caused by careless or negligent drivers.
Personal injury lawsuits can be filed against a negligent driver in a car accident if it can be proven that the motor vehicle driver acted carelessly and did not conform to the reasonable standard of care required by drivers in order to prevent car collisions.
If the persons who were injured by the negligent party can prove that the negligence or carelessness was the proximate and actual cause for the injuries, then liability in the personal injury case and the obligation to pay the victims compensation may result.
An actual cause finding shows that the motor vehicle victim would not have sustained those particular injuries unless the driver had acted negligently. Proximate cause shows that the personal injuries were naturally caused by the driver’s negligence or carelessness.
Bypass collision sends seven to hospital, Delmarvanow.com, July 24, 2007
Car Accidents Overview, Justia
Related Web Resource:
National Center for Statistics and Analysis of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration